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Provide a pathway out of homelessness at UGM  

UGM alumni want people on the streets to know they’re not alone. Share their messages and offer hope to someone in need today.

“Your home is not in a tent somewhere by a river… I know because I’ve been there.”

- Jennifer, formerly homeless

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“Your home is with safe people. You can be known and loved.”

- Jennifer, formerly homeless

“You don’t have to wake up every day and choose to live in filth and brokenness. You don’t have to stay in a place you know you don’t belong. There is a way out. You can have a wonderful life.”

- Robert, formerly homeless addict

  Watch the video

“There’s a better way. Life can be beautiful.”

- Robert, formerly homeless addict

“I know that you’re feeling alone right now and that nobody cares about you, and everybody has given up on you, but there are actually people out here that want to help you succeed, they want to hold your hand to the finish line.”

- Elizabeth, former addict

  Watch the video

“You are not alone. People do care.”

- Elizabeth, former addict

“Don’t turn to that crutch in life that you think is going to get you by but it’s ultimately going to take over your life.”

- Eric, formerly homeless addict

  Watch the video

“You have worth. There is hope.”

- Eric, formerly homeless addict


These powerful statements only exist because people like you reached into these lives and said, “You’re worthy. Let me help. I care about your future.”

Your gifts to Union Gospel Mission are spreading the message far and wide: there are people who care.

Offer a pathway out of homelessness today.

