Words of hope from those who have been there.
“I know that things feel lost and hopeless and life is out of control, but there’s hope.”
- Brianne, former addict

“I burned every bridge and I broke every relationship in my life. But you don’t have to get to that point.”
- Sean, former dealer & addict

“There’s a life that God has for you and a future much better than the life you’re living now.”
- Sean, former dealer & addict
“I know that it’s hard being out on the streets... in active addiction. But your kids need you.”
- Jolene, formerly homeless addict

“If you’re asking yourself, ‘Why am I in jail again?’ and you’re not finding the answer, then that is the definition of you need help.”
- Phillip, former addict

“You don’t have to stay stuck. It’s not too late.”
- Phillip, former addict
“You may be somebody that has chosen drug addiction over your kids. That was me.”
- Miranda, former addict

“I realize you feel like there’s no way out and you’re letting down your family and your loved ones. But it doesn’t have to be like that.”
- Tod, former alcoholic

“You have value. Just be brave enough to take that first step.”
- Tod, former alcoholic